

 SK PRODUCTION During college, Sivakasu took part in various cultural events and performed mimicry anD standup comedy onstage. Between his studies, he took a three month-break, and during this period, his friends convinced him to go for auditions of Sivakarthikeyan Production, a comedy reality TV show airing on . He started his career as a mimicry artist. Despite initial reluctance to participate, he won the show. He appeared in short films, including his friend  Atlee 's  Mugapputhagam ,  Identity ,  Kurahl 786 , and  360° . The makers of  Aegan  noticed Sivakasu and offered him a supporting role in the film, but his portions did not make the final cut. Director  Pandiraj  approached Sivakasu to play the lead role in his film  Marina , and he signed the project. He prepared for the role by paying close attention to Pandiraj's instructions and visiting  Marina Beach  extensively to study the surroundings, while revealing that he hoped that his natural talent of humor would come